Sunday, June 26, 2011


whatever that means.

flying over Minneapolis was so spectacular...because I actually understand it! I could see university ave (but did not go directly over the crooked house) I saw the stone arch bridge and the stadium, the deflated metrodome, the Walker and the sculpture garden, the lakes and I could locate and identify it all, and it made me feel at home. Walking into my room I felt that: Ah, I'm home. feeling.

I also think I am getting used to waking up and not knowing where I am...I cannot even count the amount of times it happened in India, and even in the past month I have been in Crozier, Meg's grandparent's house in Chicago, Kristin's apartment, my apartment, Katie's apartment in Northfield, and the MSU dorms. I am unfazed when I wake up and have to remind myself of where I am.

This weekend somebody asked "How are things at your place?" and I responded--"which place?" It was someone who knows I am from Petoskey and go to school in Ohio, but I had to fill them in about my current placement in Minnesota. I am glad that I have all of these places to associate with, and it is fun to update people about my whereabouts.

and to quote a wonderful song by Ben Thorp, the lyrics that were going through my head the whole plane ride to Minnesota from Michigan: "Now I'm at home, on my way back home."

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