Tuesday, July 5, 2011

it's a rock.

I just found a Petoskey Stone delicately wrapped in tissue paper in the front pocket of my carry-on suitcase. Us Petosegans must have them falling out of our ears, so what's the big deal? This is one of the stones I bought as a gift for a host family in India. I searched for it right before I left for the village of Bhojesar because it was one of the only gifts I had left, but I couldn't find it and thought I had lost it! But now, here it is, sitting in my room in Minneapolis. Meaning, it sat in my suitcase all the way back to Amerika, sat in my closet until it was driven to Gambier, it flew to Alaska, flew back to Ohio, traveled the length of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, made a stop at Cedar Campus, went back to Petoskey, then back to Gambier and made it all the way to Minneapolis (with a weekend trip to Summer Conference in East Lansing) It has been around the world but somehow manages to sneak back to Michigan every so often... 

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