Saturday, August 20, 2011

let the games begin

VAPAS. Back. at Kenyon for my fourth and final year.

so many feelings.

I am living in a gorgeous new house with my best friends and I cannot believe its real. I woke up this morning not knowing where I was #typical but so awed when I reminded myself I was in a brand new house with Bobbo, Drew, Jeff and Susan (waiting anxiously for Matt, Alyssa and Sarah)  I love the community of our house already, the way everyone is setting up their rooms and contributing to arranging the living room furniture and the first night already set the tone by having lots of people over to grill steak, corn and converse around our table. and we had a brunch of bagels and donuts. so much happy.

The first-years moved in today and it is so exciting to see their eager little faces, but it is very weird being a senior. not weird bad, just different and not what I could expect. The Kenyon these fist-years are moving into is not the Kenyon I moved into three years ago. There are a lot of physical and superficial differences but I think it has changed, but that is normal and natural. Peirce was a brand new building, but now we have the Gund Gallery and the North Campus Apartments, so many more paths are paved, the residence halls are locked 24/7 now, Perry Lentz retired...silly things...this is the last semester of paper class registration (no more running around for signatures? no more carbon copies?) It just feels different, and small. After living in a big city for three months I think I finally realize the minuscule size of Gambier and Kenyon. I still love this community and am so excited to get to know the first-years as well as have a great year with the awesome friends that I already have here at Kenyon! 

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