Monday, August 8, 2011

check it off the list

Driving back from the museum today I was remembering my first day in Minneapolis, moving in, going shopping, navigating the one-ways of University and 4th...and how it was all big and new and unfamiliar, but now it is fine and normal and familiar. and I leave in 10 days. back to the fine and normal and familiar [with the exception of a brand-new house, seven people to live with, and the decisions and stresses of senior year] There are a bajillion things I am looking forward to and I am also so excited to begin figuring stuff out for after graduation...I have my lists of goals and other things I would like to accomplish in the next year...but I am hesitant to list them publicly because I don't know if they will all happen. Like how everyone has a Kenyon Bucket List, I think I am going to make mine the day before graduation so I will absolutely cross everything off. The unexpected, unanticipated events end up being the most significant anyway. I have been doing reverse Bucket Lists for a middle school and high school, the day before school started I would write in my journal (a journal that was intended for more frequent use but would only be written in once annually...for this purpose) and I would list stuff that I did over the summer. I would fill pages and pages and even go back weeks later to add some adventure I forgot.

I anticipated many events for this summer, but the most significant things have been the things I could not have imagined: the awesomeness of the Crooked House, learning so much about combating human trafficking, being the feisty intern at the museum, attending a spanish wedding in france...and I know this last week is going to be bittersweet, but filled with fun and...feelings. 

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