Friday, June 1, 2012

Time to go.

I have not been geographically stationary since 2008.

On Thursday I leave for Ghana, I am accompanying an abroad program for 4 weeks. Peter (my advisor from Kenyon) is sending me with his wife's OSU class. We will be doing many site visits including schools, farms, and an orphanage. We will be taking dance, drum, and language classes and learning from local experts about Ghanaian culture and rural development.

If you are wondering where Ghana is, you can google it. Or, imagine you are tickling Africa under its chin and that is where Ghana is located on the continent. Ghana is a friendly, vibrant country with great music and art. I am not sure what to expect exactly, but I am ready to begin the adventure!

My cell-phone access will be non-existent and my Internet access will be sporadic. I will update here or on facebook.

Also, please excuse the cheesy song, but Maggie got it stuck in my head in April.

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